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Showing posts from 2019


‘Twas no stranger experience;           Than to meet myself:                                             A stranger To learn of others, without seeing them…     But instead, seeing what I projected into the space they occupied             ...Oh, what pain it is to see! Guilt, Grief, ambiguous Trauma - the realization of never having met another -                                            Just myself, a stranger The number of characters met which only embodied my reality •       Such loneliness  Now, having met myself - a stranger no more Guilt, Grief, Trauma - ever present at my door I find I meet you; again,       I see you, at last             all of the same pieces as me, struggling as I did     I wait for you to grow now         I pray for you to be a stranger no more


The way this pain feels; continues, continues to evolve   My sadness too deep Where once I sat, watching this pain s...l...o…w...l...y creep         It’s swallowed me now;             and I see that pain in you - as in me This insight drives me to be what I need so you don’t go without…         but; you push, kick, fight, reject all warmth and understanding therein In your effort to fight your monsters you have become a monster Our pains diverge  you are now swallowed by ugly-pain which has hidden you from yourself  I am now consumed by beautiful-pain, richer now for who I am becoming and presently am I want badly to take your torment, it is not mine